Signed in as:
Phone Number: 570-473-3198, option 1
Email: [email protected]
The Point Township Road & Maintenance Department is staffed by three full-time employees. This includes the Roadmaster and two full-time laborers. Seasonal help is also employed on an as needed basis.
The Roadmaster is responsible for the maintenance, construction and repair of Township roadways and other Township owned property and facilities.
The Township is currently engaged in several grant programs to complete major road repairs. Some of these roadways will be 'FDR', or full depth reclamation. This means a complete rebuild of the roadway and related drainage components.
Township snow removal & ice control is accomplished by plowing and salt/cinder application. This is a primary function of the road department during the winter months. Please remember it is against the law to place 'your' snow onto public roadways. Plowing across a public roadway is also illegal and hazardous as it leaves plow tailings that have caused motor vehicle crashes through the years.
Roadside leaf collection occurs during the fall months primarily to help maintain roadside drainage. Please be sure to place your leaves along the edge of your property, not on the roadway shoulder. Placing leaves on the roadway is illegal and hazardous. Weather permitting, the road crew picks up leaves on:
The road crew typically continues leaf collection into the end of the year as weather and conditions permit. Residents are encouraged to have leaves staged just before collection time to reduce your efforts and minimize the re-scattering of leaves upon private and public areas. The Township primarily collects leaves in more densely populated areas where other means of disposal are not possible. Most often, properties in the more rural settings are managed by chopping up leaves with your mower, which serves as excellent mulch for your lawn or garden. If we miss you, please give a call, (570) 473-3198, and we will get to you as soon as possible.
The Point Township Road Department would like to share this helpful graphic from PennDOT to our residents concerning snow removal. We know it is frustrating to clear your driveway only to have the plow truck come along 5 minutes later. Clearing some area before your drive will help the plow 'empty' before your driveway and reduce the amount of snow that gets deposited onto your drive.
Please call the Township to schedule your Christmas Tree Pickup, 570-473-3198, option 6.
Roadmaster Wehry is guiding the use of our 'Zipper' milling machine to recycle! This helps stretch construction dollars by reusing valuable material. The roadway then gets profiled and rolled before final materials are added. This can include more base material and seal coating with tar and chip.