Signed in as:
Address for tax payments: PO Box 317 Northumberland, PA 17857
Phone: 570-452-1340
Fax: 570-473-8170
Location: 759 Ridge Road Northumberland, PA 17857 (rear of building) - drop box at the back of the building for tax payments after hours.
Hours: On Wednesday's only, March 1st through November 1st from 4PM to 6PM; or by appointment
Early March: County/Township taxes mailed (Personal & Real Estate)
Early July: School taxes mailed (Personal/Occupational & Real Estate)
How do I make a payment?
There are 3 ways you can pay taxes:
Point Township Tax Collector
PO Box 317
Northumberland, PA 17857
Who do I make my check out to?
All checks should be made out to Jennifer Fisher, Tax Collector
Can I pay all of my taxes with one check?
The County/Township taxes that are mailed in March, can all be put together on one check; and the School taxes that are mailed in July, can all be put on one check. You may NOT combine the March taxes and the July taxes together on one check.
How should I obtain a receipt if I mail or drop off my tax payment?
Please send/bring your ENTIRE bill if you would like a receipt. I will stamp the bottom copy for myself and return the top copy stamped PAID and dated for your records. If mailing the payment, please be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
What if I need a Real Estate Tax Certification?
All certification requests must be mailed or faxed to 570-473-8170. These requests must include the parcel number.
The Per Capita/Occupational Assessment Tax, is also known as a "Personal Tax"
What is the Per Capita Tax?
The Per Capita Tax is a flat rate local tax payable by all adult residents living within a taxing jurisdiction. For most areas, "adult" is defined as 18 years of age or older. This tax is due yearly and is based solely on residency, it is NOT dependent upon employment or property ownership.
What is the Occupation Assessment, Flat Occupation Tax?
Occupation taxes are assessed on all residents that hold an occupation. The Occupation Assessment Tax can be a flat tax rate or an assessed value depending on your occupation.
How is my occupation value set?
Each County in the Commonwealth establishes their own list of occupation codes and the value assigned to each. The list of County Assessment Classifications can be found at:
If you would like to appeal the rate at which you are assessed, you need to fill out the Occupation Assessment Appeal Form which can be found at:
If you are unable to print out the appeal form, copies may be picked up at my office or the Shikellamy School District Administrative Office: 200 Island Blvd., Sunbury, PA 17801. All completed forms must be turned in to the Shikellamy School District Administrative Office.
Do I pay these taxes if I rent?
Yes. Whether you rent or own, if you reside within a taxing district, you are liable to pay taxes to that district.
Is this tax withheld by my employer?
No. The Per Capita/Occupation Taxes are NOT withheld by your employer. The Per Capita/Occupation Taxes should not be confused with Local Services Tax, which is normally withheld by the employer.
Will my mortgage company pay the Per Capita along with my property tax?
No. Your mortgage company will not pay your Per Capita Tax.
How many Per/Capita and/or Occupation Assessment taxes do I have to pay?
2 times: One in early March for the County/Township Per Capita Tax and the second one in early July for the School District/Per Capita Tax/Occupation Tax.
If I pay this late, is there a penalty applied?
Yes. A penalty of up to 10% of the face amount of the bill is applied if it is not paid by the due date on the tax bill.
This is the first time I am being billed for this tax, why am I receiving this bill now?
There are several sources that your information may have been received from that resulted in your being billed for the first time. They are:
What if I moved out before the tax bill was issued?
If you moved out of Northumberland County prior to the issuance of the tax bill, please return the bill to my office with documentation of your new residence (example: copy of drivers license, utility bill, tax notice) for the appropriate time period.
What should I do if the individual the bill is for is now deceased?
If the taxpayer who received the bill is now deceased, please return the bill to my office noting the date of passing and I will remove the individual from our system so no bill will be sent in the future.
What should I do if I receive two or more bills in the same name?
Please contact my office.
What if I did not get a bill, or lost my bill?
Contact my office for a duplicate tax bill. Failure to receive your tax bill does not excuse payment of taxes or avoid penalty or interest for such a delay.
What if I fail to pay my bill?
Failure to pay your tax bill will result in the bill being turned into a collection agency.
How are my Taxes calculated?
Each house is assessed and given an assessed value by the Northumberland County Assessment Bureau.
Each taxing body (Northumberland County/Point Township/Shikellamy School District) sets a millage rate. The tax you owe is calculated with these values.
How many real estate bills will I receive?
There are two bills attached to your property.
Which bill contains the Homestead Tax Exclusion?
The Homestead Exclusion is applied to the school real estate tax bill. The amount of the tax reduction appears on the front of the bill. This form can be found at:
Is there any property tax relief for senior citizens?
At the present time, the only relief available to senior citizens is the Property Tax Rebate. To be eligible for the tax rebate, a claimant or claimant's spouse must be at least 65 years old: or a widow or widower at least 50 years old during the tax year; or permanently disabled and at least 18 years old. In addition, claimants must meet the household income requirements. To receive additional information, visit:
Is there any property tax relief for disabled veterans?
Please contact your local Veterans Affairs office for more information or for more information, visit:
If my taxes are escrowed by my mortgage company, how can I verify they have been paid?
Every homeowner whose taxes are escrowed should closely examine the escrow statement provided by the mortgage company to verify that all taxes due have been paid and, also, that the escrow company has not paid more taxes than are due. Please note, tax bills are mailed to every homeowner.
What if I did not receive my tax bills in the mail?
Every property owner is responsible to ensure that their real estate taxes are paid. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the property owner from making the payments. If you have not received your county/township bill by early March, or your school district real estate tax bill by early July, please call my office.